Nataša Glavor was involved in various services by Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet:
- she was a member and later the head of CARNet CERT
- she was a member of the Working group to prepare National law on information Security
- she was a member of the team to resolve first major distributed-denial-of-service attack against Croatia’s biggest ISP
- she was a member of the team to develop the e-Citizens public service project
- she managed the e-Gradebook service development team (an application used by a more then 500 schools in Croatia)
- she managed the .hr operations team from 2013 till 2015
- along with her team, she introduced security testing as an integral part of service development process in CARNet
Nataša graduated mathematics and computer science at the Faculty of Science University of Zagreb.
She is also member of the Organizational Board of Croatian IGF initiative.