DIDS 2017 live and online

Around 600 visitors have registered for DIDS 2017, the eighth annual conference on the development of the Internet globally and on the .RS and .СРБ domains in Serbia. Serbian Internet Domain Day this year will be held 7th and 8th March, under the slogan “The Secrets of Internet Search: Search, Find, Visit”. The second day will host the now-traditional Regional Internet Forum – RIF 2017.

Anyone not able attend in person will be able to follow the DIDS programme online, first and foremost at dids.rs and дидс.срб, but also via the RNIDS site and Facebook page, as well as on several other sites belonging to our media sponsors: RTS, Politika, B92, Blic, Južne Vesti, LajvTV, Netokracija, ITdogađaji and Tajmlajn.

Online streaming of DIDS begins on 7th March at 10 am and will last until 3:30 pm. Questions can be put to speakers via Twitter, using the #dids2017 hashtag.


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